Rachelle Kavanagh

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

and Self-Doubt as an Artist

How annoying is imposter syndrome!

I, so often, battle with imposter syndrome and self-doubt and I think most artists do at one point or another. It can be paralysing, making us question our abilities, undermining our confidence and in the end, preventing us from creating altogether. There is a powerful tool though, that can help transform our mindset and fuel our creative journey.

The Struggle with Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt

Imposter syndrome is the constant fear of being exposed as a "fraud”. Even with stacks of evidence that you are an artist, our brains somehow convince us that we aren’t the real deal; we are just fakers and someday, someone will find out. Imposter syndrome often rears its ugly head in the form of internal dialogue that questions our worth and capabilities. As artists, this can be especially debilitating, because our work is deeply personal and subjective. Self-doubt creeps in and we start to compare ourselves to others, feeling that our art is never good enough, or we just flounder in our art business telling ourselves that no one actually wants to see our work, and that it’s worthless

The Power of Positive Affirmations

Thankfully positive affirmations, repeated consistently, have been proven to help change our mindset and bring more confidence, in turn, increasing our creativity, productivity and mood. Positive affirmations are simple, yet powerful statements that help reprogram our subconscious mind. They replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Affirmations focus our thoughts on our strengths and potential, rather than our imagined shortcomings. They remind us of our worth and capabilities, which reinforces a confident and positive self-image. This can mean the difference between a stagnant creative block and thriving artistic expression.

Thoughts = Destiny

There’s a quote I love by Tom Rowland that says:

Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become habits, habits become character, character becomes your destiny.

Basically put, your thoughts influence what happens in your life, so let’s make them good uplifting ones, to bring a fulfilling, fruitful and fun life.

Benefits of Using Artist Affirmation Cards

I created a list of positive affirmations for my own mental health last year and then made a list specific to my art journey and creativity. I have benefitted greatly from these and decided to share them with you. My Artist Affirmations Deck offers a beautiful collection of phrases that help boost your artistic confidence, declare your intentions, and nurture your creativity. Including them into your consistent daily routine can magnify their benefits. Here are some benefits of using affirmation cards:

1. Enhanced Confidence: Affirming your capabilities helps you trust your creative instincts and take bold steps in your art.

2. Increased Motivation: They remind you of your goals, aspirations, sense of purpose and drive, keeping you motivated to pursue your artistic dreams.

3. Improved Focus: Affirmations help focus you and clear mental clutter, bringing clarity that leads to more meaningful and inspired work.

4. Resilience Against Criticism: As your self-worth increases through affirmations, you'll become more resilient to external criticism, without letting it derail your confidence.

5. Emotional Well-being: Positive affirmations give a positive outlook, reducing stress and anxiety, allowing you to approach your art with joy and enthusiasm.

How to Incorporate Affirmation Cards into Your Routine

To make the most of your affirmation cards, integrate them into your daily routine and art sessions. Begin your art session by selecting an affirmation card. Take a minute to let its message sink in, and visualise the positive outcomes associated with it. For example, affirmation: “I trust in my creative instincts”, positive outcome: more confident decision making through your art process. And another affirmation: “My art is a generous gift to the world”, positive outcome: more confidence in being vulnerable and sharing your art with the world online and in exhibitions and galleries. Also, keep them visible in your studio or workspace, as seeing them regularly will reinforce their positive messages.


Imposter syndrome and self-doubt are super common challenges for artists, but they don't have to define or hinder your creative journey. By including the Artist Affirmations deck into your routine, you can transform your mindset, boost your confidence, and nurture your creativity. Start each art session with a positive affirmation, and watch your artistic confidence grow, leading you to new inspiration and success.