It all started when ...

I was in primary school, it was my seventh birthday party coming up (the first birthday party I’d had). People were asking what I wanted as a gift. I replied to all of them saying “I love art”. My birthday party came and each present I opened was art box after art box after art box. You know those folder type boxes that open flat with pens, pencils, watercolours, oil pastels and a few things like a ruler, eraser, sharpener and grey lead. Yes I received about 50 art boxes (that might be a slight exaggeration, but you get the point).

First success

It is true, I have always enjoyed art, creating, putting marks down and making realistic impressions of my favourite things, and everybody knew that. A couple of years after that onslaught of art supplies, I won an Easter colouring in competition at school. I was so surprised after spending hours trying to get the perfect shade of brown on the basket. Rubbing out layers of previous browns to try another shade (Yes, I’m an Enneagram type 1).

Art classes

From there I moved into high school art and then it all dropped off after completing a few short semesters. Years later, after completing my teaching degree (primary) I met an amazing person, who coincidentally (if you believe in those) was also an artist who taught art classes right at the time I was searching for a creative, artistic outlet.

Jessica le Clerc and Lauren Horton, at Art School Co. have taught me art for over nine years now. Over that time I have learnt an incredible amount, not just about art, but about being willing to fail, trying new mediums, doing art for the process and the community, rather than the end result. Notice I said ‘doing art’, because the doing is the most spectacular part, not the end result or the admiration. It’s about giving of yourself, sharing a new perspective and adding value to the world. In that process I get to learn more about myself and reach deeper within. What a privilege!.

That got deep. Anyway, a few months into those art classes, I posted my first ever charcoal drawing online, which resulted in my first six commissioned pieces. This was both very exciting and also very daunting. Impostor Syndrome, has anyone heard of it? Well, it had a firm grasp on me, and has only just slightly loosened it’s grip from then to now.

Where I’m at now

I am now a fellow lead teacher at Art School Co. I have had the honour of working on numerous commissions for collectors and continue to create my own art to share with you. I have been a finalist in a few art prizes and even received a commendation in the Queensland Figurative Art Prize. I have also created resources and products to help fellow artists thrive in their art making. I am passionate about art and creativity and the enrichment it brings to people’s lives, both the viewer and the doer.

My Work and Inspiration

Now I am working primarily in oils, creating portraiture and figurative pieces, drawing inspiration from the context, people’s story and connection. I am drawn to glowy, deep, earthy colours and the contrasting dance between light and shadow, painting in the style of impressionistic realism.

My artworks give me a sense of peace and calm, and a deeper connection to people. I feel that it is important to share people, although they may feel ordinary, their story, feeling and purpose are unique and powerful. We are all connected. I hope you feel this contentedness and calm when you experience my art.

Let’s Be Friends

Now that you know me a little better, I’d love to connect with you and know more about you. Let’s connect on Instagram, Facebook or feel free to view my Pinterest site as well (all links below). I also send beautiful content to my favourite people via email. If you’d like to join this group of friends, fill in your name and email below and I’ll get in touch.

Fun Facts

1) I’m an Enneagram Type 1 (perfectionism is strong in this one)

2) I teach art classes at Art School Co. and run Art School Co. Kids

3) My favourite mediums are oils, pastel and charcoal

4) I’m a qualified primary school teacher

5) I’m pretty obsessed with art supplies, stationery and organising them

6) I met this guy at the grand opening of a Hungry Jack’s joint, now we’re married.

7) I used to skate (longboard) a lot

8) I have three kids aged seven, five and two, named Charlie, Aubrey and Leeland.

9) My favourite art is portrait and figure painting. I love painting a person in a scene. I love how the surroundings add to the story.

10) I like lists and especially ticking things off said lists

11) I’m a slow artist and I’ve come to terms with that

12) I used to play the violin at weddings and events, in a string quartet called ‘Rouge Sul Tasto’

13) I love learning new things and embrace my inner nerd

14) My favourite ice-cream flavour is peanut butter with cookie dough and nutella mixed in

15) I love snowboarding

16) When I was little, I wanted to be a marine biologist, children’s book author, a singer, an artist and then a teacher. I got two of my top picks. Yay